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Rocky Flats Living Library: Tiffany Hansen & Judith Mohling In-Person

Living Library for "Facing Rocky Flats" Exhibit

“Check out” and speak one-on-one with a living book for: a person who has had direct experience with Rocky Flats. Sign-ups are for 15-minute time slots with each book.

Hear stories, ask questions, and make connections. Please come prepared with several questions and be ready to engage in a respectful conversation with  the book you will be "checking out" from the Living Library. 

Registration required: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/60B0B4EA5A923A5FF2-facing4 

"Books" for May 31st:

1.Tiffany Hansen, Co -founder of Rocky Flats Downwinders

2. Judith Mohling,  "A Grandmother's View of Rocky Flats"


Thursday, May 31 2018 Show more dates
1:15pm - 3:00pm
Canyon Gallery, Main Library



Tiffany Hansen-

Tiffany Hansen is the co-founder and Director of Rocky Flats Downwinders. In 2014 she realized she grew up near Rocky Flats. After connecting with former neighbors, she realize many were sick in the neighborhoods near the plant and lacked of support, so she founded Rocky Flats Downwinders, a Community Organization advocating for those impacted by living downwind from Rocky Flats. She initiated the First self-reported Health survey of Rocky Flats Downwinders through Metropolitan State University of Denver in 2016. 

Judith Mohling

Come visit an activist who has spent fifty years protesting Rocky Flats, from the beginning of production to now, trying to keep the "Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge" closed to the public forever. I worked with the "Nuclear Freeze" movement, am vice president of the board of the national Alliance for Nuclear Accountability and a firm believer in Joanna Macy's concept of Nuclear Guardianship. I am full of ideas of how everyone can contribute to the movement to bring a fair, safe and sustainable world to us all.