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BeeChicas: Naturalist Journals and Observations In-Person
Craft your own naturalist journal and join the BeeChicas outside in the pollinator gardens to get started with your own observations. What stories do you want to tell from your summer explorations in nature? Get inspired by the great naturalists and see and hear their stories!
Adult helper required for children under 12. Please register each person attending the event.
Weather permitting, we'll meet outdoors in the Native Plant Garden at the Main Library. Please bring a water bottle, sun hat and other resources to make yourselves comfortable to be outdoors. In case of inclement weather, we'll meet in the Canyon Meeting Room which is behind the security desk and visible from the garden doors.
Visit BeeChicas website for more projects, recipes and resources.
Boulder Public Library would like to thank everyone who has generously donated to the Boulder Library Foundation. Your financial support funds library programs such this event, as well as Summer of Discovery, BoulderReads, the Teen Space, BLDG 61 and many more.
- Date:
- Wednesday, Jul 12 2023
- Time:
- 4:00pm - 5:00pm
- Location:
- Canyon Meeting Room, Native Plant Garden, Main Library
- Audience:
- Adult All ages School Age Teen Tween
- Categories:
- Classes & Activities STEAM Seed to Table Summer of Discovery
Visit the library's Seed to Table playlist on YouTube which includes recordings of past gardening, cooking and BeeChicas online events.
BeeChicas: Gardening for the Birds and the Bees! - https://youtu.be/dy - m1YKqfN4
BeeChicas: Make a Native Bee Home - https://youtu.be/xDRjT5yVU9M?t=13
BeeChicas: Native Bees - https://youtu.be/ybPay4Qxy7w
BeeChicas: Native Plants for Colorado Pollinators - https://youtu.be/m2FFlXEbCaM
BeeChicas: Colorado Backyard Pollinators (up close videos and photos of backyard pollinators, no narration - 6min 41sec) - www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxVNRNR_PJg
This is a Seed to Table event at the library that focuses on sustainable living. #seedtotable https://boulderlibrary.org/seed-to-table/
Follow BeeChicas' Instagram and Boulder Library Hives #beeliterate
Photo Credit: Tracy Bellehumeur, BeeChicas